Little Falls Municipal Alliance

Little Falls Municipal Alliance

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VISION: The Little Falls Municipal Alliance envisions a community that promotes wellness and protects the public from the abuse of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs.

MISSION: The mission of the Little Falls Municipal Alliance is to identify and address community health needs through awareness, education, communication, collaborations, and sharing of resources.

Problem Statement: Acceptance of alcohol use is an issue in Little Falls 
Root Cause: Availability/Access 
Local Conditions: 

  • Academic failure is 3% above statewide individual county risk factor averages 
  • Parents and other community members are vaguely aware of the hazardous consequences that occur from alcohol abuse; especially among youth 
  • Low enforcement of laws are favorable to alcohol and drug use 
  • Strong influences from towns, such as, Paterson 

B.A.B.E.S. - a six week program aimed at enhancing life skills, such as, self-awareness of feelings, methods to stay healthy and happy, making decisions, coping with difficult situations, and refusal skills to 2nd and 4lh grade students in Schools #2 and #3.
L.E.A.D. (Law Enforcement Against Drugs) - an eleven week program to 3rd and 5th grade students developed an increase discipline and a respect and social skills with their peers as well as how to handle peer pressure and avoid developing drug abuse habits. 
Parents Who Host Lose the Most - during community events we promote this campaign that reminds parents that social hosting is illegal and they are responsible for preventing underage drinking in their homes.
Teen Activities - this program supports various activities involving middle school students with the purpose of creating awareness about the importance of socializing without the use of alcohol or drugs. Delivery of this message is included during the fall and spring dance at the rec. red ribbon week, and school assemblies. 
Junior Police Academy - this one week program takes place in June aimed to develop social attitudes, resolve conflicts, foster healthy relationships, build self-confidence, and resist peer pressure. This program included a visit to county jail and building a trusting relationship with local police officers.

Links and References:

Project Medicine Drop: 
Little Falls Police Department 
225 Main Street, Little Falls, NJ 07424