The Planning Board will hold its 2023 monthly meetings at 7 pm on the first Thursday of each month except where noted on the Township Calendar.
Please note that the meeting scheduled for Thursday, March 2nd will be the final all-virtual meeting. Future meetings will be held in person in the council chambers at Town Hall.
The schedule of meetings to be held by the Township of Little Falls Planning Board (“Planning Board”) will be heard virtually due to the current situation involving the COVID 19 virus. Public access is available via video and audio conferencing using the Zoom hosted service. Information on how to access each meeting of the Planning Board will be set forth on the Agenda for each Planning Board meeting. The Agenda for each meeting will be posted on the Borough website. The Agenda for each meeting will also be posted on the entrance doors to the Municipal Building including any entrance way for handicapped individuals. In the event the Planning Board is once again to hold its meetings live, the Planning Board will reissue its 2023 schedule of regular meetings in compliance with the requirements of the Open Public Meetings Act (“OPMA”) pursuant to N.J.S.A. 10:4-6 et. seq., as well as the recent amendment to the OPMA by way of the emergency regulations promulgated thereunder and codified at N.J.A.C. 5:39-1.1 through 1.7.
Join the meeting via Zoom. Click
One tap mobile: +16465588656,3633248491# US (New York)
Meeting ID: 363 324 8491
(Do not use both, otherwise you will hear echo feedback on your speakers.)
All guests will be automatically muted upon entering the virtual meeting. Everyone will have the opportunity to speak and be heard. You can request to speak by raising your hand in the Zoom application. The meeting “Host” Planning board representative will unmute your session. Guest participants that do not comply with the virtual meeting will be subject to ejection.
You will be able to participate when the Board Chairman opens the meeting for the public participation portion of the meeting at which time you will be able ask questions and/or cross-examine witnesses. The Board Chairman will give the members of the public an opportunity to make any statements at the conclusion of the public hearing process. We ask if you have questions of the Applicant prepared, that you email them to James DiMaria, Construction Code Official at prior to the meeting. Your questions will be acknowledged and read into the record and answered. If you have information or exhibits you wish to be considered and entered into the record, you will have to email them to James DiMaria, Construction Code Official at in advance of the meeting no later than 24 hours from the meeting so that they may be marked into evidence.